Great News: Our album launched on digital download on the 14th of April 2020

“About Time”

At the time we launched our album “About Time” the whole world had gone into a lockdown due to the coronavirus and our NHS were doing an incredible job.

We were always planning that the proceeds of sales of our About Time album would go to our two nominated charities for the duration of the ‘lock down’. All the proceeds of sales of that CD went to NHS Charities and now we have reverted to our chosen 2 charities however there us still a donation option for NHS in our shop as well.

It’s taken us a little while to get ourselves into the recording studios (the clue is in the title!) mostly because we’ve been happy just playing music live. But having finally done it we’re pleased with the result – we’ve tried to keep the recording simple so what you hear is close to what we sound like live. And we do hope that you will be sufficiently interested by the clips on this website to want to buy the album.

It may help you to part with your money to know that we are not looking to become rich as a result, or even in reality to cover our costs. We want the album to have value in other ways so we decided to give almost all of the sales income (at least 80% allowing us to cover our cost) to two charities that are close to our hearts – Macmillan Cancer Support and Greenpeace.  If you decide that the price  of our album is far too modest, we guarantee that any additional donation will go to Macmillan and Greenpeace – you will see the donation option in our shop.

Finally, if you’re a musician who, like us, hasn’t quite got round to taking that next step, then our advice is that it’s About Time you got yourself into a recording studio.